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Thread: why do campain's?

  1. #16
    Bronze Member Contributor Level 3
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    Campaigns would be good if the resources came back if you failed to wipe out the troops, or at least 50% of them, doing one can cost you a few elephants, then have to do it again without reward, so most people would just stop doing them, like if I have nothing to get why bother ?? but if resources filled up again for the next try then I would do them again and again until success, but then that can be abused for resources, so I really don't know, it's good return if you can win the first time, but lose and you will lose much more resources then gained

  2. #17
    Bronze Member Contributor Level 3
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    I think they are not worth it either, not because of these resources but because they are boring and you don't get hero exp for doing any but the easy ones.. just plain stupid!!!

  3. #18
    Iron Member Contributor Level 2
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    If you think they're not worth it then you haven't done enough of them. Use them to learn how to play better and more efficiently. USE them to get massive resources once you get into them far enough. I only wish there were more of them.

    The easy, normal and hard settings should be duplicated on matches as well with more rewards given to those that don't utilize the generals. Show your skill and be rewarded.

  4. #19
    Bronze Member Contributor Level 4
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    Quote Originally Posted by ogeewiz76_9171237 View Post
    The easy, normal and hard settings should be duplicated on matches as well with more rewards given to those that don't utilize the generals. Show your skill and be rewarded.
    That is a good idea, though i could see it easily being exploited with alts. and since evony doesn't seem to care how many alts people have, I would probably not recommend it getting done.

  5. #20
    Iron Member Contributor Level 2
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    Quote Originally Posted by Icarusalt9_401082 View Post
    That is a good idea, though i could see it easily being exploited with alts. and since evony doesn't seem to care how many alts people have, I would probably not recommend it getting done.
    We can only hope Evony somehow does their game justice and solves the alt problem. They will never have a "real" game until they get rid of them.

  6. #21
    Silver Member Contributor Level 5
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    I agree take out the normal and hard or make the payoff comparable to the units lost.
    And Spartacus, WE are the customers, without us your out of a job, your smartass answer is uncalled for.

  7. #22
    Iron Member Contributor Level 2
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    yea im continue the campaign ..then touch Moravia ..that is Great mil of resources there ...but trebuchet town is tough .....but HAPPY TO HUNTING THERE

  8. #23
    Iron Member Contributor Level 1
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    I guess the upshot is to not do them until you are skilled and strong enough that they are easy ;-))
    And ditto for the moon and sun levels.

  9. #24
    Silver Member Contributor Level 5
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    I have campaign cities with zero resources and I can do them on the free setting ? Why would you create a game with that ? There is no way I am going to destroy my units for nothing ?

  10. #25

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    At least make the cities slowly replenish their goods and gold, let it take days if needed but replenish the levels, it seems that you cant get ahead unlest you invest big $$ to get the gems needed to upgrade town halls etc. Maybe reset the levels on a weekly basis, ets say a Saturday that way it would make plundering interesting and people buying shields to safekeep their goods and gold

  11. #26
    Gold Member Contributor Level 6
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    Disagreed with resetting the campaigns. There's millions of resources available in the campains now. Enough to fund up through lvl 10 TH and lvl 10 barracks. That's enough of a foundation to get anything else you want in game.

    For now.

    When lvl 11 is introduced then the idea of refreshing campaign resources should be reconsidered.

  12. #27
    Bronze Member Contributor Level 4
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    where are the resources?

    my next battle is Mace in Swabia only gives 5600 coin and 4100 goods. Hardly worth it.

    The castle Mace is defended by level 7 archer towers and level 8 cannons.

    Haven't been able to beat it and come out ahead in the goods column.

  13. #28
    Gold Member Contributor Level 6
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    There are 5 'states' of 10 cities each. The fourth state is profitable, the fifth state is insanely profitable with hundreds of thousands of resources per village. Depending on skills you may or may not break even on the first three states, consider thelost resources an investment to get to the final two states.

  14. #29
    keep doing campaigns, get 3* on easy on all until u get to saxony. thats where the resource payback starts to get good

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