When you have to charge your device twice a day (or even keep constantly charging) because hours of HC burns your battery like nothing.
When you have to charge your device twice a day (or even keep constantly charging) because hours of HC burns your battery like nothing.
When you know every phrase every hero makes.
When you know what every heroes' voice sounds like even if you mute the game.
Wish i could finish a crusade, got to fight 14 the other day! Could've cried when i had my bum.handed to me
You know you had too much if you play it in your dreams and your one of your heros
When you know how to complete all your challenges in a short amount of time.
When you get pissed off that nobody has joined your guild for days lol
When you dont have enough money to feed your children, even though you just got paid because you spent it all on gems
The moment you realize your a heroes junkie 😈
You know all heroes one liner intros off by heart and use them in daily life encounters
The best one yet
You are on the train/bus and you see someone playing; the first thought that comes to your mind is "Yay a fellow player! Maybe we can discuss and exchange tips"
You inch closer and notice his heroes are all Purple +0 and below and your thoughts change to "OMG! Stay away from me you noob! I'm not going to spend my time giving advice on your lineup and what hero to invest in"
You then slink away
Then do the same thing next week
Every one have same spacial power to do right things everyone are hero charge
You keep getting "important" message your skill point are full now - pros
When challenging someone in arena at 21:58:31, yet you are not sure if have quite enough time to beta it before TIME IS UP.
It's so damn cool when you can beat it just slightly before 21:00.