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Thread: Soul Gems . . .

  1. #1

    Unhappy Soul Gems . . .

    So, how do we get more Soul Gems? I'm aware that there is a chance to get one when you win a match, but the fact that we need 160 makes this far too slow. Assuming that we get one Soul Gem every other match, that would take 320 matches, and I don't think that is fair to the players. In addition to that, the Soul Gem is not even guaranteed to be for the General you want. Maybe give out a few Soul Gems per match instead to make it easier to get a general stronger? Maybe even one soul Gem per General for every match you win, that would be good.

  2. #2
    Silver Member Contributor Level 5
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    As Dawnseeker has pointed out "Another wonderful development team vision" Only Ucool could find another way to screw up generals with soul gems !

  3. #3
    Bronze Member Contributor Level 3
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    Wish we could delete soul gems we don't need. Just got Edwards soul gem when i don't have Edward

  4. #4
    Iron Member Contributor Level 1
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    Same here got some for cleopatra but i got rid of her when she did not work

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by <TSA>LorDon View Post
    Same here got some for cleopatra but i got rid of her when she did not work
    Oh dude, you lost out BIG. Cleo is the #1 general for attacking other cities, her abilities are INCREDIBLY useful. I wish there was some way to get a general back after originally dismissing them, but it makes sense that sending them away makes them stay away.

  6. #6
    Silver Member Contributor Level 5
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    They changed the way soul gems are given a few days ago, they are now based on the general you use instead of the defending general. That makes much more sense - you can now upgrade your favorite general first.
    With 3 stars, the chance to get a soul is a bit above 50% I think. With 1 star, it looks like less than 50%.

  7. #7
    iv gone 5 strait wins without getting one. I got houyi to level 28 and im at 1 star and 12 stars on my way to 2 stars not to impressed with gem system

  8. #8
    Iron Member Contributor Level 1
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    OK, stupid game, I have done the work and collected your readiculous soul gems, so now I thought I would get a reward for all my hard work. But it is all for nothing because I can't use a Generals scroll. None of this crap is about making the game more fun, it is about evony adding a bunch more hard work to get people to buy more Gems.

  9. #9
    Iron Member Contributor Level 1
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    You need a hard win to get a soul gem. Use the general of which corresponding gem you want. Go for harder targets if you are not getting gems at the current target level or use less troops.
    I got 160 soul gems and now trying to use the general scroll it unlocks. Oh wait, It doesn't unlock anything! What a load of garbage!

  10. #10
    I got a ton of soul gems for Spartucus from the casino and I now have Cleopatra soul gems. Now the question, how do we use them?

  11. #11
    Gold Member Contributor Level 7
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    Quote Originally Posted by GeneralFever View Post
    I got a ton of soul gems for Spartucus from the casino and I now have Cleopatra soul gems. Now the question, how do we use them?
    Load the General then click the up arrow and then see if you have enough souls to go to the next star level.

  12. #12

    Soul Gems make newly acquired generals useless

    Soul Gems make newly acquired generals useless.
    This game is n olonger any fun.
    Last edited by <)O(>Lambsblood; 08-16-2014 at 11:39 AM. Reason: typo

  13. #13

    Soul Gems make newly acquired generals useless

    Soul Gems make newly acquired generals useless.
    This game is no longer any fun.

  14. #14
    Iron Member Contributor Level 2
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    Houyi Soul Gems ....

    i still getting Houyi Soul gems ... but cant do anything after my 5 star full ...

    cant do anything for this gems

    i hope Evony ( COE ) proceed to 10 star Hero ... then we can use this or can redeem to others gems tq

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