BEtty so the sky guardian hero is not for mothers day?
The log in soulstones is cryptmonster and also the purchase rewards are crypt monster soulstones.
Type: Posts; User: sumopil; Keyword(s):
BEtty so the sky guardian hero is not for mothers day?
The log in soulstones is cryptmonster and also the purchase rewards are crypt monster soulstones.
Hi Betty. Managed to re-link my phone and iPad. Thank you very much. Please tell your in game tech support to disregard my request for relinking devices. I sent one request via in game tech support
Any ideas to resolve the issue?
Betty it's been relinked now. I can now play on my new phone. The problem is my ipad is now a level 1 account. And i cant link cause it tells me the account is now linked. I want to play on bith my...
Betty I tried what nader suggested but it doesnt work. Even though i am now connected i am still seeing thr new game.
The new game is in server 205 account id is 27788242.
Please link this to...
Thanks NADER!
KIndly elaborate betty. My old device is ios my new device is an android phone. Please be as specific as possible.
Betty. My account was linked between an ipad and an android phone. The phone broke and i wanna switch playing to a new phone. When i try to link a device from my ipad to the new phone it tells me...
What will you forward to your producer? That they are greedy mofos?
The real reason why serpent warlock was released before evil rabbit. LOL
So what did the production team say betty? I hope you could give an honest answer for once.